Fall Approaches

We are just a few days away from the first day of Fall. This morning, there is a steady downpour so the painting will cease until the weather clears. But there is still much to do. It has been decided that the old fence will be placed around the base of the main enclosure. This will allow the cats to be protected both in the summer by providing a bit of shade, as well as the winter to stop some of the bite of the wind. The contractor has been building small cat platforms that will be elevated on the sides of the house and also inside my new observation porch. This way, when I am working inside or just watching the storms, my kitties can hang around up above me. He is so in-tune with cats, he has actually been able to make friends with PITA. She will come to the wire now while he is working, and rub up and down the wire. I have warned him to beware, her looks are deceiving. She bites and she bites hard. So far, he has kept all his fingers outside the wire. But I can see, he really wants to pet her. She bit me just yesterday after I flea-treated her. I have had her for years and I know her MO.

My house has gone from looking gloomy blue to a vibrant green with yellow gables and white trim. One of my friends texted yesterday as she drove by and said my house looks like a lime slurpee! I replied, I love lime slurpees! Maybe you can be the judge? All I know is my house used to look like it was in mourning, now it makes me smile. As you can see by the photos, even Nature approves of the color change. I am so glad for this government program. Without it, nothing would be changed here.

Once this is all finished and I plant lavender in my yard, my front yard is going to pop!

I get paid tomorrow. After the bills are met, I will have just under $200.00 to run me a month. This is first used for cat food/litter. I have a preliminary order with Chewy for $72.00 hopefully that will last the kitties until my next check. It’s always a juggling match.That puts my cushion for a month to $90.00 for my food and gas. Thankfully, the gas prices are creeping down slowly. It does not allow me to hit the vet debt or put any aside for emergencies.

That’s how we are doing it now. We are able to keep our doors open for rescue based on the help from you to meet our renewal fee for next year. We thank you for that! So this new color helps to cheer me up when I feel overwhelmed at times. I can go out and sit on my mini-deck and be joined by my rescues. I look at the trees and my pastures and feel at peace with the world. I don’t know how we keep it going, but we find a way.

I sent a picture of my new face-lifted house to my older sister. She lives in Florida. I was almost certain Gwen was going to harass me about the color choice. To my surprise, she loved it! She said it looked “Very Key-Westy!” I’ve never been to Key West but if they have vibrant colored neighborhoods, perhaps I will add it to my bucket list? Not that I ever go anywhere, to many cats need me. But it is nice to dream. At least she didn’t tell me it looked “Vey Key-Limey Pie!” LOL  I believe Mike would approve- he might groan a bit, he was pulled in by darker tones, but I think, in the end, I would win him over.

Well, the crew is pulling up, so I need to go move my truck. As much as I like the colors of my new house, I don’t want my truck to be the same!  Take care all of you who still swing by from time to time. Be safe, be loved, be cherished. That is the best place to be right now.



1 thought on “Fall Approaches

  1. It’s all looking very nice. It’ll be like having a new house when it’s all done, and I’m glad you like the contractors doing it. They seem to have their act together.

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