The Revolution

No, my cats are not uprising against me. They aren’t conspiring to take over the house because I don’t open cans of food fast enough for their liking. They’re not staging a walk out because their litter boxes aren’t clean enough. I’m talking about a new movie that’s out called The Jesus Revolution. This was a local event in the 60s and 70s which spread all over the world. It focuses on Pastor Chuck Smith, his church in Costs Mesa, CA ,Lonnie Frisbee, and Greg Laurie. This church was a very large part of my life back in the day.

We were known as Jesus freaks back then. I was volunteering at a Christian coffee shop in Stanton, California and weekly. We would pile into vans and head for the beach. We would have Greg Laurie’s tracks in our hands and we would pick up hitchhikers. I saw a lot of miracles, take place both within the church, as well as the Fire Escape, which was the name of the Christian coffee shop. The Bible studies, the afterglows, all the Maranatha music groups, it was such a blessed time. And now they’ve made a movie of it. I went to see it.

Thankfully, they didn’t get to political within the context of the movie. However, for me, the payoff came at the end of the movie when they showed the actual clips of the members gathered on the cliffs of Costa Mesa over Pirate Cove with mass baptisms. Clips of Chuck Smith during his sermons, his beautiful smile, just brought me right back to a time we need again as a nation.

I did hear afterward that there is a new Jesus revolution that is stirring up out of Texas? I heard it didn’t start inside of a church, but actually inside of Texas A&M and it’s spreading rapidly. I haven’t been able to substantiate the rumor but it’s certainly, God knows it’s something that we need right now.

On another note, we are still in winter. It has been snowing for several days, but not sticking. We are not getting hit as hard as other areas of the country, and this latest storm which hit last night is headed out to do its damage elsewhere. I hope winter is truly over but I have a feeling it’s not quite done with us yet.

Yesterday, because of the increasing frigid temperature, we ran out of canned cat food. But thankfully received a donation that night, so we were able to order the food which will be here in a few days. The wet food helps keep them hydrated during these cold temperatures.

here’s to a nice warm, spring, waiting around the corner!

1 thought on “The Revolution

  1. I’m glad the movie was to your liking; there are few things worse than treasured memories being trashed by someone else. And what memories it must have brought back for you. Better times. (I would be surprised if cats rose up in an insurrection: they do much better with subtlety…)

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