
Well the bloodwork is back and although a bit abnormal- nothing jumps out to indicate why she looks so bad. They want to run films on her, but i have declined. I am just going to let her live in the bedroom and watch her closely. Just the vet visit threw her off. She isn’t eating as much as I would like her to and she had a litter pan miss last night. I put in a larger container for her, so now she has four boxes to choose from. She didn’t eat much, I need to go to the store and get her some more canned food. When I sat on the bed, she came over to see me and I brushed her gently. She trilled the entire time. Poor kitty- I hate it when they grow old. They never live as long as we want (or need) them to.

1 thought on “Squirrel

  1. Yes, I relate to the pain; two of ours went to Heaven in April and our hearts still have not mended, but I am learning more about God, the Bible and how much He loves His creatures also. Therefore, I feel confident, after much research, that they will be in Heaven with us forever, praise God!!! God has revealed much to us through all of this agony. Why it takes such deep pain and suffering to seek deep heart answers, I do not know. They still live in our hearts of course. Our other cats are bonding more with us and this is healing and rewarding. Eternity will be long enough for us to be with God, and all of our loved ones=two legged and four legged, praise God! Now, we are praying for a little cat who has also shown up in our yard over the last 4 months. We finally got it in the garage while it was searching around in there; thank The Lord, right before it got real cold for here: 42. We have made it 3 beds, lots of good food and clean, pure water. Toys and catnip and a little bed in the window as well. We pray and pray for it to come to us but is still real scared; think it is a feral. My husband has tamed ferals in the past and is confident it will come to us eventually plus we go out and talk to it and pray constantly for it to come to us. It enjoyed the Thanksgiving turkey last night! We want to bring it in to the house to join our family and other cats so very much. God brought it to us for a reason just like all of our others. We are full of love for all of the animals so we want this baby to trust us so much. The garage is lonely and cold. At least the sun shines in the window bed. We have left our car out of the garage now for 2 1/2 weeks and we are growing weary of making two to three trips a day out there to care for it, even though we want to take care of it. We are putting off setting a trap because we are afraid of terrifying it and have it never trust us no matter what. But 30 days is about the limit; that cat needs nuturing and love and it is breaking our hearts to have it not come to us. We need to love it in our arms and hear it purr. We have no clue if it is male or female either. If any one has any ideas please share them. Thank you!!

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