2:00 a.m. Wake-up Call…

“Mom…Mom…Mom.. MOM! Wake-up!” I woke up to Merlin digging is claws frantically into my arm. Minutes later, kitties came bombing out of the darkeness, landing on my chest, tummy and feet. I groaned “What time is it?” I mumbled. With a long and busy shift at work, I didn’t get home until midnight. More kitties converged until I was covered with them.

“What in the world?” I grumbled. Then a loud “SNAP, POP and a heavy THUD, followed by a stray cat scramble where the kitties fled the room and then complete blackness and silence.

The lights didn’t come back on until 7:00 a.m. A car had hit a transformer and at the same time, one of our trees came down in the heavy wind. Thankfully, it was a small free standing tree by the creek, but loud enough to scare everyone in the house.

How do they know about disasters either man-made or otherwise before they happen? I’m not sure, but their alarm has left some pretty deep scratches on my chest, arms and legs- and remind me…it was not a dream!

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