Road to Recovery

I know the road is going to be long before Shell will be restored to what she could be, but I do wish there were shortcuts sometimes. She doesn’t do mornings well at all. Yesterday, she was again hiding under the bed and I picked her up to find her all tight in my arms. Then she crawled up my chest and wrapped her paws around my neck. I carried her over to her bed and laid her down. She didn’t respond until I started her daily massage and then she started reaching into the touching and responding. She took her meds and then ate and while she ate, I moved a thick carpet and put it underneath the bed. Our bedroom is tiled and I don’t want her to get cold should she hide again.

When I returned home from work last night, she had thrown up everywhere poor girl. I don’t think Peggy planned on have her blanket washed as many times as I have washed Shell’s but it is holding up well. Shell was crying and I didn’t want to feed her, but she kept crying (which she doesn’t do much of) I gave her a dab of baby food on my finger and she licked it straight away- so I fed her about a tablespoon of the baby food. She ate it and kept it down.

What a long journey she has ahead of her and I just want to do right by her. She deserves at least that much. She goes in a few days to have more blood work and to be seen by the vet. I hope he sees improvement with her, I am with her all the time and I think I miss the gains we might be making.

11 thoughts on “Road to Recovery

  1. praying praying and praying for “our” little girl… Oh sweet little Shell… Feel better pumpkin pie… We love you honey… Purrs and prayers going your way, to your mommy too…

  2. She has so much physically to recover from but mentally as well. A memory or bad dream may put the fear in her heart that YOU are the dream – until you return to her and try again to fill her heart with love. She sees all you do – such as putting something under the bed because the tile is cold. She knows what they mean. That is what continues to make the difference. I pray for you both. Marian in Houston.

  3. we purrs efurry day fur this little girl. our xingie has mental prollems sorta like shell’s, so we kinda knows how that goes. believe us when we sez that marian in houston is right–an’ you are a truly angel on earth to shell. may you both be blessed real good–more than you are already.

    loves, pets, an’ soft purrs frum alla the meowers

  4. Some days it’s a step forward and two steps back. I hope at some point you’ll be able to see the gains made and know that you’ve succeeded. Meanwhile we’re all plugging for you and Shell every day.

    Love ya,

  5. Keep the faith girl. She has come this far. So good of you to put the rug under the bed. I am always thinking of and praying for you and Shell.

  6. We think yoo are doing a wonderful job cherishing sweet little Shell. Don’t allow yoorself to feel downhearted ~ every tiny step is a step in the right direction. Thank yoo so much for caring. Purrs.

  7. Just remember. All of life’s struggles are easier to bear if you know at least one person cares and loves you. Shell now has you and you have all of us!

  8. You have done and are doing wonders for this precious little girl.
    KC has past issues and so does Faith Boo. But they are alike and yet totally different from Shell’s situation.
    You and Shell are in our prayers daily.
    How sweet to hear you describe your shared morning routine.
    Oh, and Peggy’s blankies may look fragile, but they are tough.
    Love & Purrs,

  9. Well we sure glad Shell seems to bounce back when she as an upset. She sure is lucky to have you helping her every step of the way. It is so hard to watch them be sick. We certainly do thank you for taking such good care of her. Be sure to take care of yourself too

  10. Shell, you haf come so far and we knows you haf so much further to go – but you haf proved over and over again that love can conquer the worst things. we love you!

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