Feral Cat Lovers and Supporters Unite!

Help save some stranded feral cats in New Jersey by donating whatever you can for this necessary relocation.

Labeled as “dangerous, diseased, bird killers” these cats are living on borrowed time. No amount is not enough- not caring is unacceptable. To many cats get tossed aside into the waste heap. Don’t let these survivors follow that path.

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2 thoughts on “Feral Cat Lovers and Supporters Unite!

  1. It’s sad how feral cats are considered “vermin” by many people. On the one hand, we want to do what’s right by protecting endangered birds that are threatened by mankind’s tendancy to destroy habitats. On the other, the fact that feral cats exist where they do and live the lives they do is no less because of us. We domesticated them, took them from their natural environment, then when they were inconvenient, let them go to breed and fend for themselves. Then they became vermin in some people’s eyes.
    I hope they reach their goal and are able to trap and relocate all the cats somewhere safe. I left a donation.

  2. Bless you and I will tell you that starving cats which most feral cats are that are not managed cannot hunt. They don’t have the stamina. Well-fed cats will hunt mice, not birds and the birds they do catch are generally not healthy or are the weaker of the species. In order to justify the elimination (most times cruel elimination) of various feral cats across the country the numbers that cats supposedly kill of the local bird population is greatly exaggerated and has NEVER be legitimately authenticatd. Yet the numbers keep growing. Thanks to Peter, these numbers have been challenged. I look at it the same way as the ridiculous number of “kittens” one female can have in her lifetime unspayed. Never authenticated, just a “hysterical” shock and awe number to get people’s attention.

    You are right the feral cat issue is a HUMAN problem- but honestly in history when has the human population stepped up and admitted they created a problem about anything?

    Bless all of you who care, who make a difference and continue to do so for these unfortunate strays caught in perilous conditions with little help available.

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