I am NOT a Dumping Ground

Someone, and I suspect I know who it is but I have no proof- has dumped a large amount of strays into my property.

Out of desperation, I went down and bought another trap. They didn’t have any Hav-A-Hart traps so I bought a live animal trap. It snaps closed so quickly that while I was baiting it, it snapped on me and grabbed my fingers- OUCH- so I ended up using cable ties and took a large branch, snapped it into pieces and used it to brace the door so it wouldn’t trap a kitty paw or tail.

It works great! In the last two hours, I have trapped three cats. Now, there are six to go. To say that I am hissed off at this dump is putting it mildly. But these are toms and I at least need to get them neutered.

I have heard that the last auction for Shell will launch tonight. If it does, I will post the link and tell you there are some amazing items up for bids.

I also want to share this- I love this video

Owl and the pussycat

4 thoughts on “I am NOT a Dumping Ground

  1. Times like this, you (or at least, we) kinda wish the whole place was covered with security cameras. It would be nice to look up a license number and send those goofs a bill.

    You gotta wonder what on earth those people were thinking.

  2. The only consolation is that those kits are better off on your land, then with such an inconsiderate and thoughtless person as the one who dumped them.

  3. Fingers crossed you almost catch the others and at least they have ended up somewhere they will be sorted rather than left to breed

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