The instructions clearly said-

Keep the cat quiet for 12-24 hours- right! Magoo who got neutered yesterday has other ideas. I placed him in the bedroom and went to close the door and he shot past me like a whirlwind and bolted down the tunnels.

The boys don’t seem to mind their missing parts, the girls however, they do need the recoup time. They need to stay quiet, low to the ground and just decompress. Their bellies are sore and you can tell they are in the part of the word of NDW or Not Doing Well as my vet says. Thankfully, it only lasts for about two days and then they can go on the active adopt list and find a hopefully loving, adoptive home.

One caller got testy with me yesterday. She had come by to see the kittens and fell in love with Reese- a 3 month old cow kitty. She wanted her and she wanted her NOW! She wanted to take this kitten home (unspayed) and she told me- “I will get her spayed!” Well, I have heard that before and no longer trust that comment anymore than I currently trust the government. So I told her that I would get her spayed when it is time, and once she is spayed, and the woman passes the application period, Reese can go home with her. The woman hung up on me. She did however offer me more money to “sweeten the pot,” but i know better. Except in extreme circumstances, no kitten leaves this house until they are neutered.

So Magoo who the office staff completely flipped for is racing around the house like an Indy 500 contestant and the girls are lying in their respective beds wondering why they feel so sore.

It’s life and despite yesterday’s horrible misfortune, it continues on here.

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