Paying Homage

A few moments ago, I was standing at the end of our drive, waving the American flag at the over 500 bikers on their way to pay tribute to a slain Sweet Home soldier killed recently in Afghanistan.

Words escape me as bike after bike passed me, honking, waving, holding the thumbs up at this woman with a dog by my side, waving the flag back and forth while tears cascaded down my face. So many have fallen, so many have suffered and will continue to do so over this war that has stretched on far to long. I remember when the soldiers returned from Vietnam (even though I was still in high school) but I can remember them being jeered at and hated on. That never made sense either. And now, these same soldiers who were once mistreated by society are making sure it doesn’t happen again and that people remember the horrors of war and the cost that comes with it. God Bless them ALL!

3 thoughts on “Paying Homage

  1. war is a racket for the megarich.This country( the bottom 96%)will repent whether we like it or not with our pending bankruptcy and reduced standard of living.Big price to pay for a false flag.The many homeless inocent animals are paying big time!

  2. I was a political activist against the “war” in VietNam. None of my group disrespected the soldiers. We knew that many of the soldiers had no choice, they were drafted into the war. And we knew that the remainder of the soldiers were misled by our government into believing the U.S. was fighting the spread of communism, when, in fact, the “war” was just a fund-raiser to further enrich the rich. It’s ironic that no one is protesting the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Libya, especially when our economy is doing so terrible for most American citizens… “Stop the War NOW, Don’t Put It Off Another Day!”

    Sorry, I’ll get off my soapbox now…

  3. The elites learned from their mistakes in vietnam..They use the volunteer army instead of draft.They use the democrat/republican false paradigm,massive propaganda,and a nonexisting enemy (al-c.i.a.-duh)ect…..

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