“Mom! Don’t RUN With Scissors!

When the kittens first arrived, they were so nutritionally depleted (due to parasite invasions) that I started cooking and giving them organ meats for some added nutrition. Although organ meats are certainly rich in certain minerals, it isn’t a good idea to feed them this all the time. The meat even though it was cooked- was always a bit tough to cut, so I would use my kitchen shears and cut the pieces small so they can manage them.

Well just like Pavlov’s experiment- my kittens when they hear those kitchen shears cutting anything, they come on a run crying and circling my heels. I could be cutting carrots, celery, onions, whatever, but they hear those blades open and close and they circle like sharks smelling blood in the water!

Silly kitties- I am feeding them PetSelect right now so I have to open up another container and appease them with a bit of the good stuff to get them away from my feet when I am using my kitchen shears.

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