I spent the night with a friend last night

The kitten is not even 6 months old but someone in their infinite wisdom (insert sarcasim here) decided a four-paw tendenectomy was in order (although a spay was not.) Someone dumped her at Sankey Park a known hang-out for druggies and low-lifes although it never used to be.

I call her Twinkletoes and she is scared and defenseless. Her claws have been cut so they cannot retract or extend. She walks gingerly across the floor although the vet says that there is no infection or problem.

As she lay cuddled in my robe, I turned on a favorite CD of mine. One I have mentioned in the past and available at www.harpofhope.com The musician is so talented and over the years as we have emailed each other, I have found a friend. Her music soothes the tired ones, gives rest for the weary and comfort to the sick. I settled down on the floor cushions and Twinkles and I listened to her music fill the room.

Twinkles soon relaxed and as the music softly played, many of Diane’s song took me back to time long past. Of YMCA Camp and eager campers tumbling off the bus- returnees from the year before. Looking eagerly at the counselors who waited, looking for their favorite counselors so they can play catch-up before being assigned cabins. I was at first one of the campers- shy on my first summer at Camp Conrad then growing bold enough to enter the CIT program and become a Counselor in Training as the summers rolled on. My girls surrounded me and group hugs were exchanged. It was a peaceful time and Diane’s rendition of Kumbayah takes me back to campfires and reverent music.

Oh Shenedoah transports me back to 7th grade honor choir and Dr. David Fogel who took us on a field trip to see David Wilkerson speak at Melodyland Christian Center. The schools at the time were in unrest. There was talk about socialists coming in and trying to transform the students into robots instead of being free-thinking individuals. Campus Crusade for Christ was formed and swamped the schools with the 4 spiritual laws, and that is when I met the Lord and invited him into my life.

The stress of the day fades for me and the uncertainty of this lovely little girl also dissolved. I can feel her relax deep into my chest and for the first time since arriving, she began to purr-

So I spent the night with a friend last night. Someone I would love to meet in real time but I will remain eternally grateful that this woman beset by her own health issues has decided to share her talent with the world.

If anyone wonders what a tendonectomy looks like- look close. The claws are clipped way back, unable to move but they still grow so claw trimming is essential or the claws will grow down into the pad.


6 thoughts on “I spent the night with a friend last night

  1. I’ve never heard of that before. Funny how many ways we find to try and control something that just exists to love.
    Marian in Houston

  2. that music sounds wonderful – I love it when a sound or a taste or a smell can transport you to a wonderful memory.

    and we would like to find that “person” and….. well, at least Twinkle is safe with you (and seriously – what vet would do that??)

  3. I’ve not heard of cutting the claw tendons like that either. It was probably someone’s notion of something more humane than de-clawing, though it doesn’t sound like it to me. Can Twinkletoes flex her claws or control them in any way?

  4. They cut a small section of the tendon of each claw therefore, Twink is unable to scratch anything. Her claws will still grow but she can’t retract or extend them. It is considered an alternative to declaw and is said to be less painful but it isn’t something most compassionate vets will do.

  5. Somewhere out there is a person who thought cutting the tendons was the ‘humane’ way to do things. Maybe karma will say hello some evening, and someone will cut both that being’s Achilles tendons.

    Not direct comparison, but close enough.

    Purrrrss for Twinkletoes. We hope this kittie finds a furrrevern home with a loving bean sometime soon.

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