Animals need closure too-

She was still in the trees this morning and her songs broke my heart. I carefully dug her mate out of the dust bin and laid him on the top of the porch roof. I went into the barn and waited.

She circled the sky and came in close hovering. I knew she spotted him when she landed close by. It was dead quiet, even the traffic had ceased. It was as if God had stilled the world for a moment of respect for this passing. All you could hear was the beat of the rain on the roof.

Suddenly, I heard a sound I had never heard before. It almost reminded me of a kitten crying in pain. The blue jay rose up into the air, circled her mate twice and flew off. As she passed overhead, I looked up at her and whispered “God has a raindrop with your name on it.”

4 thoughts on “Animals need closure too-

  1. This is just breaking my heart. Will she find another mate or do they stay alone? That poor thing is going to be on my mind all day today..

  2. Kim,

    She wasn’t here this morning so she has said her goodbyes and flown off. They sometimes mate for life, but she is young and I suspect she will hook up before the next nesting season begins. I know she is young because of the color of her feathers, they become darker the older they become. He had been moved (probably by either boo or the neighbor’s cat) so I again wrapped him up and put him in the dust bin. I would have buried him but the rain makes that impossible.

  3. I truly hope she finds another mate. How sad for her to be alone. It is amazing how animals do mourn for one another. How can people think they have no feelings? I hope you see her again in the spring, and with another mate.

  4. Thank you for giving her the chance to say goodbye. How important that is!
    Marian in Houston

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