Emergency visit

Spent the morning and part of the afternoon at the vet’s office with four cats. I now have 14 cats vomiting. Riley is vomiting what looks to be blood. After a thorough exam on all cats, the vet thinks that this is a virus. She said calici, but I don’t think so. Trump was diagnosed with the calicivirus when he first arrived here and I was so careful to keep him away from all the other cats. Plus, the symptoms aren’t there. Not one cat has URI. The main thing is the vomitting, fevers and diarrhea. The four cats got shots to stop the vomitting. I was given some cherry flavored sulcrafate suspension liquid to give all the cats and some clavamox. I am also not feeding dry foods because most of the cats do have ulcers in their mouths. Two of them have stomitis, two of the kittens. They are to young to have stomitis, so that is why the vet is leaning toward a virus. No bloodwork was drawn as it would just sit in the frig for a few days before they could send it. If the cats get worse in the course of the next few days, they will draw blood then. I wish I could stop adding to the vet debt here- but apparently not.

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