The bottle baby

This little black girl is quite sickly and it isn’t because she is carrying some dreaded disease. The only misfortune she suffered was being “rescued” by the clueless. The woman found her the other day in the bushes (she is just about a week old) and because she had fleas, the woman took her in and gave her a bath in COLD water! Her system immediately shut down and her panicked brother called me. I rushed over there to be presented with an almost lifeless-body. I took a rough towel and started to massage her- grabbed their blow dryer and requested they stand back a distance and blow the warm air on the towel. Snots and bubbles came out of this kitten’s mouth and her mouth opened but no sounds came out. I took some coffee and put warm drops on her tongue and rushed her home where we gave her warming fluids. I spent a restless night with her watching over her and feeding her every two hours.

I haven’t even named her yet- she is so weak and lethargic and there isn’t anything anyone can do for her because she is so small and is trying to survive the shock. She is still getting warming fluids and Karo and I mix a bit of coffee in with her KMR. I go to see the feline specialist today with her and I hope that I have done everything right.

The woman said she felt terrible about what she did but she is allergic to fleas and seeing them on this kitten “freaked her out.” She thought the cold water would kill the fleas-well guess what? It stuns them-but it can kill a kitten.

4 thoughts on “The bottle baby

  1. ugh – with so many resources out there, why don’t people check first….heck for something like that, most vets will answer a question over a phone. good luck with this baby

  2. She has passed to a better place. I ended up calling her Grace because she is now in God’s good Graces-

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