The flip-side

It is amazing to me how the word “cancer” possesses the ability to completely flip your world around. Especially, when it applies to someone you truly cherish. Things that used to matter to me now fall by the wayside. People, I used to take for granted, now come front and center as I try to let them know that they do matter. Old friends are reconnected with and it was a joy to talk to Marci who long ago used to be my best friend and still is, although I let the friendship become second-place as Life moved me forward. We talked the other day and it was as if time never came between us. We were back in her room, sitting on her bed and sharing about her first crush (Joe) who is now her husband of 32 years. But it was as if we had never drifted apart. The emails then flew between us and oh the memories they brought up on their way.

I don’t want any day to pass without letting Mike know, he is the best thing to ever happen to me. Hugs and kisses take priority over cleaning the house, and the cats too, seem to know that something is off kilter. They gather at our side at night, to give us their version of unconditional love. He is feeling quite vulnerable right now, overwhelmed by the mass of information now flooding our mailbox. He still won’t talk about how he is feeling. He is still trying to sort things out in his head-processing if you will.

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