Cinderella never had it so good!

I am spring cleaning early. Trying to get rid of clutter, polishing floors long crying out for a renewed look. Scrubbing on my hands and knees when I can. What can I say, I am getting old and my knees aren’t keeping up with the times!

I was in the kitchen on my knees scrubbing away, when Oliver decided this was a grand new game we were playing. He would back up a distance and watch the washrag, then, when he thought I wasn’t looking, he would pounce on the cloth. Good thing I wear rubber gloves or my hands would have holes in them instead of the gloves.

Then Charlie decided to get into the action and when he pounced, he went for a ride. Hanging on to my arm as I swished the floor back and forth. He must have thought he was dreaming and on an E ride at Disneyland!

Shimmer, always the curious one investigated the mop bucket and almost wore the contents before I saved her from diving head first into the water. Cinderella, eat your heart out!

1 thought on “Cinderella never had it so good!

  1. Yesterday, I was cleaning up cat vomit when one of the cats decided it was great fun to attack the hand scrubbing a particularly persistent puke stain. Cats–always “helping”!

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