Two Kittens recently adopted return


Although I asked specifically if the new adopting family had landlord permission to take on more kittens and they said yes, the opposite appeared to be true. This afternoon Jazzmin and Serenity came back home. They appeared to be quite hungry and jumped into the food tray before it was ready but otherwise they are fine. They are back with their brothers and sisters and hopefully the next home will keep them till the end of their days


7 thoughts on “Two Kittens recently adopted return

  1. Oh goodness! Well, better they come back to you than get handed off to unknown adopters or worse, just dumped into the street. They are so pretty. They are so pretty, I am thinking they won’t last long.

  2. Poor poodin’s. We’re with Goldie, at least you got them back, and they didn’t wind up on the street or dumped in a shelter someplace.

    Was those folks hoping no one would notice two more kittehs running around, or what?

  3. I was told in the “I’m sorry” phone conversation that the landlord had unexpectedly dropped by and went ballistic seeing two more kittens in her rental. It was either get rid of the kittens, or she was getting rid of the tenants. All I can do is ask and hope people are being straight with me when it comes to this issue. No pet deposit here- LOL

  4. On all the adoption applications I’ve filled out it asked if you were a renter, then if your landlord approves of the pet AND then if the rescue has your permission to contact the landlord to verify this information. Could you include a clause like that, so you can be sure people are not misleading you?

  5. I can understand that someone could fall in love with the kitties, but why were they even looking if they knew their landlord would not allow them to keep them????? Not to mention the inconvenience to you and the confusion of the cats in question…

    This makes me soooo angry!

    But at least they are safe back with you. I wish you could charge them a rental fee for the time they had the kitties! 😉

  6. It was a learning situation, and my application does ask if they have the landlord’s permission, but now it also asks if I have permission to talk to the landlord before adopting out the kitten. So thank you Emmett

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