The Miracle of the Morning……..

He is still alive and again, I wonder if perhaps Cyclone had a paw in this golden-fighter making it to our front door? I literally left him in tears at 1:00 a.m. as he laid motionless in the same spot that claimed him after an exhausting vet visit. I told God if He did wish to take him from us, to do it quickly and peacefully. Then I went downstairs to try and sleep.

I avoided going upstairs in the morning. There has been so much death recently, I didn’t know if I could bear yet another loss. As I rounded the corner to the room and looked inside, to my surprise, I see a bright-eyed golden kitty sitting there watching me as if to say; “What the devil took you so long?” I wanted to shriek with joy and grab him up and hug him hard, but instead, I went into the room quietly and we began what will be our daily ritual of cremes, ointments, pills, and supplements.

He ate two jars of baby food and demanded more. I was glad to hear he does have a “voice”albeit a weak one. On his own, he made it to the water fountain and drank! The litterpan had been used overnight, both solids and liquids and my heart rejoiced scooping out those treasures!

Although he was brought to the point of starvation and blood loss, this tough ol senior is not done in life yet and I am grateful.

5 thoughts on “The Miracle of the Morning……..

  1. Hurray!! So glad he made it through the night and hopefully on the road to recovery after lots of TLC.

  2. I have had those mornings….you know you have to go check but you just fear what you are going to find. Glad to hear he is hanging in there…..

  3. I’ve go away on vacation, come back to find another orange senior is dire straits. But wait, he’s eating and pooping like a champ. Funny how the little things matter so much. Oh, I do love the orange boys! Thrive, old man, Thrive

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