The Kittens have discovered the Lava Lamp

Yes, I am dating myself. I own an lava lamp and last night, the kittens discovered the wonders that lie inside this glass dome. They have yet to figure out how to get to all the oozing goo inside but they are enchanted to try. Mike fashioned a small chicken wire fence barrier around it because we were afraid they would burn themselves. So they sit behind the fenced barrier and watch with wonder as the oil and water and heat do their magic.

They bring such humor into our day- Bently has a new trick (which I hope he soon grows tired of) but when I am out in the enclosure scooping out the pans, he sits on his haunches and watches me carefully. Mike calls him the litter supervisor! Once my scoop is full of waste, out swipes his paw and all the stool tumbles back into the pans! He thinks this is a great new game- making mom do double duty dookie pick-up and disposal.

Curly has found that the new magnets on the refrigerator (given to me by my mom) are so fun to jump at and slide down to the floor. Once the magnet hits the floor it is fair game for all. By the way, did you know magnets stuck by cat hair don’t stick to your refrigerator well?

4 thoughts on “The Kittens have discovered the Lava Lamp

  1. My Mary Elizabeth used to stick her paw down the garbage disposal.
    I think I prefer magnets.

  2. I love their games. Bently is probably thinking that the poop belongs in the litter-box, so why are you taking it out? After all, you’d be angry if the cats didn’t put the poop in there in the first place. It’s perfectly logical to Bently.

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