
Grace passed away between the 2:00 and 3:00 a.m. feedings. She died quietly surrounded by inanimate furry objects and warmth. I have emailed the woman who initially called me about her and tried to express to her how important it is, when you see kittens just born in your yard- not to ignore them but bring them in and keep them warm at least to 90 degrees- then to call someone who can try to help.

Had she survived- it would have been a miracle. But I do know that had that happened, she would have been an amazing cat.

7 thoughts on “Gracie~~~~~

  1. I know this comes with the territory but I don’t know how you do it. It hurts just to read this. So sorry…

  2. I had hoped for better news. I think whenever an animal comes to you who is in need, you do your best and unfortunately with all the circumstances little Gracie had to deal with it was going to be an uphill battle. I am so sorry for the loss of Gracie.

  3. Thanks guys. I knew deep down that if she did survive, it would certainly be a first. i just had really hoped that she would get a chance to be a kitten. I told my feline specialist that I wonder why I do this at all. The financial and emotional toll can sometimes just overwhelm. She responded and when I read it, the tears for Gracie and for them all did come. She told me that no one could do it with the care and compassion that I pull off.

    God prepared me early in life to accept loss. I don’t like loss, but I understand that there is a cycle to life and that cycle includes death it is inevitable. The lady who gave me the kittens has assured me that she will be spaying and neutering all her barn cats- so something good has come out of this tragedy. There is always a silver lining somewhere.

  4. we are so sorry – but we hope the woman will follow up and that this won’t happen again. those bottle babies are so hard…..we applaud ANYONE who can do what you do. yes, there is heartache. but when you look back and see the lives that you have saved (think about Google), then the good outweighs everything else.

  5. Speaking of Google, i spoke with her new mom the other night and Google has taken over the home. Erin says that Google will come downstairs and even play with Max, their 6 month old (gorgeous) German Shepherd puppy. They have yet to meet face to face without Max being on leash- but it sounds like Google has the upperhand there too! LOL

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