Cat Barn Test starts on a Pawsitive Note

I have been asked to test a new feral cat house for the winter. It is manufactured (entirely in the United States) by It is waterproof and warmed by insulated foam. The foam inside when the cat barn comes into contact with sunshine, retains the heat of the sun for the majority of the day and night. It also serves as a reflector for the cat’s natural body heat- keeping kitty warm and away from the wind and rain/snow.

When the package arrived, I slid it quickly out of the cardboard box- the barn is fully assembled except for additional eaves you can add to give kitty a weathertight porch. Immediately, six kittens ran into it to try and figure out what Mom got so early for Christmas! There are two doors provided, so the kitties had a bit of tunnel play while I figured out where I am going to actually put it outside.

Bentley and Sophie checking it outcb

I decided to finally tuck it under some pine trees and pile straw around it so the kitties would accept it faster. McGee took immediately to this warm place for which I was grateful as she usually sleeps under the deck and it is going to snow tonight and tomorrow.

McGee Squatter’s Rightsmc

It’s big enough for two cats to share, so perhaps Turner will join her sister when the temperature starts to drop again.

7 thoughts on “Cat Barn Test starts on a Pawsitive Note

  1. The cat house looks great! McGee certainly seems to like it! And Bentley!! He looks wonderful!

  2. Hi Marian,

    Merry Christmas! Considering how he looked a few months ago and that we were on the fence whether he would survive the distemper, he looks great! His only side effect of the disease is chronic diarrhea which I am told he will have his entire life (which takes him off the adoption list) Thankfully, he does use the litterbox now but boy he is odorous all the time (another side effect of the disease) I wonder if they make kitty butt spray? 🙂

  3. I’ve thought many times of trying kitty cologne for a smelly bottom. Good Luck with that one. Hey, remember the kitten I asked you about, Spot? Spot has been in his furever home for several weeks now. Everyone knows by looking at his feet that he’s going to be BIG but he had a growth spurt and his long tail is now 9 1/2 inches! It’s longer than his body! Merry CHRISTmas to you as well, God Bless you in the coming year and all of your precious babies.

  4. Any shelter in cold weather is good for those little creatures, and one that keeps out the cold and keeps in the warmth is better. Good news!

  5. Marian- bet Spot has maine coon somewhere mixed in- that is a looong tail! Congrats on the successful rescue and adoption!

  6. I read a comment on another site about keeping outside cats warm, and it mentioned hand-warmers that last 18 hours. I looked up “Uline Hot Hands” on the internet and they have three varieties. I thought they may be good for emergencies, when the temperature drops to -20° (-30°, as it is here).

  7. Yes, I have used those in the past. But have to stay the snuggle-safes are so much better (and safer) I own three of the snuggle safes now and wish I had more. The feed store in town carried them but haven’t got anymore in lately. They are great. I also in the past have created hot rocks in the fireplace, wrapped them in towels and put them into the kitty hidey holes for warmth.

    It’s snowing this morning, and thankfully, Patience has come back home. She went missing three days ago when I decided to try and pick her up. I really want her inside as she is so frail. She was fine as I was picking her up, but when I snuggled her to my chest, prayed and started walking it was a mad struggle on her part to be free. I almost had her though but then she went missing. She came home this morning and allowed me to pet her but not to any great length.

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