Traps Laid

There is a nice farmer’s wife at the farm next to this hell hole. She is going to call me if she sees anything in the traps. My kitten traps were loaned out months ago and haven’t made it back here yet so I had to use full traps. I asked her if she might be able to feed the babies if she sees them and she sighed and said her husband keeps hunting dogs and they chase anything that moves. She will feed them when they are trapped until I can get there.

You don’t want to know what happened to the queen, but she is totally out of the picture. 🙁 I can only pray that the kittens didn’t witness her demise because if they did, they are long gone.

Sometimes, I feel so helpless. Sweet Home Police Department just called me. They just did a raid on a place swarming with cats. There is a queen with 8 brand new kittens they need to place right away. I told them about the distemper outbreak and that under no circumstances could I help this time. She asked if I knew of anyone who could take them- and the sad answer is there is no one in this immediate area who can. The fact is there is never enough dollars to help the ones here and more than enough cats waiting and needing to be helped. I just lost my monthly donation of food and cat litter. I have an appointment next Thursday with another source which I hope will step up to the plate and help us help these guys out.

I apologized to the detective who called but I know if I did take in such small ones, they wouldn’t have a chance if they somehow got exposed to the distemper 🙁

5 thoughts on “Traps Laid

  1. They’re going to be dramatized whether they saw their mom killed or not.
    People don’t think animals have feelings but they do. My Paul Edward was rescued at about 2 weeks old. Mom was run over and some teenagers found the litter. Paul and his sister were the only survivors. They used them as balls and then pitched them in a dumpster. Paul cried in his sleep for weeks. All I had to do was speak softly and reassure him and the crying stopped. Basically he had nightmares. He remembered even at that age.

  2. ‘Hunting’ dogs that “chase anything that moves”, and a momma cat protecting her kittens. We all have a good guess what probably happened to the queen.

    Purrrrrrring those doggies haven’t found the kittens yet.

  3. Add in two “good ol boys” and a 24 pack of beer with tequila chasers and I think you get the idea. 🙁

  4. “Hunting dogs” don’t chase anything that move. Undisciplined wild animals who are trained to kill chase anything that moves.

    You can’t take on every case, unfortunately; there isn’t enough space or time or money in the world. You do what you can and that is much more than most.

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