Kitten sighting-

I have seen the cow kitty several times since his jail break. The minute he sees me, he scoots away from me. This morning, I sat on the steps and he came out. I had Mason in my lap. I could see that Darby wanted to make Mason’s acquaintance, but I kept my hold on Mason. I don’t need two small kittens outside. They are easy prey for hawks, owls and coons. I am going to talk to George and see if he can build a wire barricade inside one of the larger dog crates. I will put Mason in the back of the crate, leave the door open and hope curiosity wins out and Darby goes into the crate. Then I will slide the door shut and have him again.

The minute I got Gump home and put him in the house, he showed a fever- a high one! They used supportive fluids, kitty antacids and worming medicine on him and kept him for a few days for a couple of hundred dollars in care and told me he was good to go. They kept him in isolation, he was the only kitty out there. I wonder if it is the stress of being inside that does this kitty in, so I put him outside in the barn and he is a happy kitty with cool ears once again. He is stalking mice and bugs, introducing himself the other kitties out there and just apparently not wanting the inside life. Inside, he cried constantly- outside, he is silent and seemingly happy. His fever is gone- He is a strange one both in coloring and personality. He bit Mike last night while he was just lying on his lap. He woke up, lunged straight for Mike’s neck- MIke deflected him with his hands and got bit for his trouble. I think only Prozac will make Gump into an indoor kitty and I hate sedating kittens because of “behavior” issues.

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