Another ramble…

When they ran an article about me and the cats in the local paper, I was so proud. I thought maybe being on the front page (photo and all) would make a difference in the lives of the cats who pass through here. I had hoped the readers would be inspired to maybe dig into their pockets and help me out. I made sure that the reporter who was writing the article would NOT publish my address. He didn’t, he drew a map to my front door with his words. “She lives X miles outside of sweet home on the main highway heading toward Lebanon.” Well, he kept his word, he didn’t publish my address!

But since then, there has been a flood of kittens and cats dropped over our fence or on the front porch. I would much rather they were stuffing envelopes of money in my mailbox though! LOL This afternoon when I returned from Portland, there was a box on my porch and I knew it wasn’t from FedEx! Inside was a very young snowshoe kitten- scrawny, flea ridden and not looking very bright.

I lifted her out of the box and she was burning up 103 degree fever! I have called my feline specialist and will take her over there in the morning, but in the meantime have been instructed to start her on azithromax which I have done. I also gave her 100 mls of fluids.

I don’t know what she has(other than light-blue icy eyes) but I pray it’s not contagious or deadly. She is a pretty little girl (possibly pregnant), Will know more tomorrow. Please pray for her in the meantime. I suspect she isn’t quite a year old yet.

When I left Mike at the hospital today, he was waiting for the doctor to come in and talk to him about his options and quality of life. I had to get home to feed the cats so I didn’t stay and besides, this is something he needs to come to terms with- it is his decision solely. IF he can come to the determination that his life would be better without two diseased legs, I believe the process will be easier for him to accept. But if they remove that option from him and force him to have them amputated, it could go quite badly.

As with everything else around here- time will tell what will happen to the humans and to the cats who share the same roof.

1 thought on “Another ramble…

  1. The number of cats who come to you for help, I wouldn’t be surprised if they did come by FedEx. Good luck to Mike today. I hope things turn out as well as they can.

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