All about Mike

I am not sure what they are going to do about Mike’s legs yet. I don’t even think they know. The cat scan that has been scheduled keeps getting put off and until they find out to what extent the infection has invaded his legs, they are treating it as a skin infection.

My hope is it has NOT gone to the bone. I believe we will know more of that later tonight. I was just told the hospital has been slammed with emergencies and those patients come first when it comes to the cat scan. All other scans are scheduled starting after midnight which is why the delay.

Glory is sitting on the rail outside, waiting for her Pop to come home. She will come inside when it gets dark, but other than that, she just sits there watching. I can’t even get her to eat when she is “on watch.” And people have the nerve to tell me they think cats are stupid! Taylor, another of his favorites, just hides till he comes back home. Unlike Glory, she will eat, but she just sleeps in the carrier near the head of his hospital bed waiting for him.



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