Mike has a comforter

Yesterday, I went to see hubby. He is doing quite well and still 5 days ahead of schedule when it comes to healing. He was acting a bit strange though as if something was really bothering him, so I finally just told him to spill it- and tell me what was on his mind.

He said, I was going to think he was loopy- but at night when the pain starts bothering him, he “feels” a feline presence in the room. He doesn’t see a cat, but he knows there is a cat there. Then he says, the cat leaps up on the bed (and he feels this) and the cat settles down directly on the painful area and the pain goes away? Then he looked at me as if I was going to call the men with the white jackets to whisk him away, I just listened to what he had to add- after the pain goes away, the cat gets off the bed and darts across the room and vanishes into the night. He sees a form darting away from him!

One of my good buddies, Dusty Rainbolt author of Ghost CatsĀ  when I shared this with her she said it is likely that the home was once frequented by a cat (there are no animals there now that I have seen). And it could be this gentle spirit comes in to do healing when it is needed and in Mike’s case it is needed.

One can argue that a steady diet of oxycodone can cause hallucinations, but they are weaning Mike off that drug now and replacing it with hydrocodone. Personally, I tend to believe there is a cat who used to be with us, who is watching over the man she/he grew to love in the time here.

8 thoughts on “Mike has a comforter

  1. Hello, I’ve just stumbled across this sight in search of an answer to a feral cat issue I am having, and in reading about your husband’s experience with the healing cat I got goosebumps! How Beautiful an experience and what a Beautiful pure soul your husband has to be able to feel this. Sending positive healing thoughts your way. Now back to mY question, I’ve been feeding a feral cat since it was about 2 to 3 mos old and he has suddenly vanished it’s been 3 days now. Why would it do this and is this normal behavior?

  2. I am also certain this is real – a spirit kitty easing pain and not drug/chemical induced imagination. As an aside, there have been studies done that a purring cat can help someone with broken bones heal faster; it’s the subtle vibration.

  3. Hi Emma,

    When cats are living outdoors, there is always the possibility of them vanishing and the person caring for them never knowing why. Perhaps the kitten got scared and ran off, perhaps she/he got injured. They go to ground when they are ill and depending on their regeneration powers, they can heal themselves with time. I would continue to put out food in the same area you were feeding before in the hopes that the kitten will come back. Again, being outdoors so young is always a risk. All you can do is the best you can and hope for the best.

  4. That is a goosepimply story about Mike. Whether it’s in his mind or real, it’s doing him some good, and when that happens, it can’t be bad.

  5. First, I agree totally with your thoughts. I have first hand knowledge of similar happenings when the intense need was there! Second, as I age I have learned that occasionally when something like this, something really good and unexpected, we say thank you and don’t spend too much energy questioning! I am so grateful to hear this story!

  6. I will share this then: During my time in the ditch huckity-buckiting towards that stop sign and a head on collision. I thought I saw my Dad standing near the stop sign with his hands outstretched. I blinked twice and still saw him standing there and right before impact, my car stopped suddenly, just short of where my dad was standing. So when Mike told me his spirit story, I shared with him mine. He just smiled and said looks like we are two kooks on the loose! LOL

  7. God works in mysterious ways and has many angels to watch over us. You and Mike are angels of God with the work you do with his precious furry ones. You save them, give them love and sometimes that means helping them get to the bridge. So why would it not be natural for him to send you a little help when you need it. I believe what you experience is real. feel the love and the blessings.

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