My “mini” vacation

They did a procedure on my left foot yesterday. Can someone say OUCH! I am supposed to stay off the foot completely for 10 days (sorry that can’t happen) but I will do my best not to put weight on it. Three years ago in the middle of the night, I stepped on a plastic cat toy and it shattered into my foot. I chased pieces for two weeks, then went to the doctor’s because of the pain factor. He put a needle into my foot and I kicked him square in the face and I am NOT a violent person! He dug around and couldn’t find the one piece he found with the ultra sound so I just couldn’t take the pain anymore and told him to quit. I’ve been living with it since.

Lately, I think it has come close to the surface because now you can see it under the skin. It’s been extremely painful especially at the end of the day. So off I went to a new doctor who froze the area (twice) YIKES! It hurt like the dickens, but it wasn’t a needle in the foot. The premise is the skin will blister and when the blister pops, the item will come out along with all the other stuff. The pain has gone from unbearable to uncomfortable and the timing couldn’t be worse because we start trapping this colony in 11 days. I told a friend of mine, I have no right to complain because of what Mike is dealing with now. But doggone it- my foot hurts right now. If it turns red, I am supposed to go back ASAP. The doctor was a bit concerned because when the procedure was over and I was trying to put my shoe on, I was in a lot of pain. According to him, at that time, the area should have been numb by then and something else might be going on, because as he put it “Mary Anne, this is not normal!” I laughed and looked up at him and said “Doc, when am I ever normal?”

Also fighting with the DMV they have disputed my doctor’s claims that I don’t have a medical condition which caused me to fall asleep at the wheel and get into that wreck- so  I have to go back to the doctor, have a second exam within 90 days or they will suspend my license for a year. First, they were going to suspend my license because I wasn’t covered in insurance (I was covered and the company has paid off the car) and I didn’t report the accident to the DMV. Now there is a second threat of suspension- I guess it is our tax dollars at work!

On a good note, MIke’s second ulcer on his good foot is healing slowly- YAY! And they are starting his new prosthesis this week. He may get his new leg on his 75th birthday!

All’s quiet on the cat front right now. I am not able to take on any more cats at the moment- the little gray boy who was living under my kitchen cupboard is now the first kitty to jump on my lap at night! The new calico has made herself right at home in the barn (she is so nervous in the house) and the tortie who was self-mutilating herself by over-grooming is finally getting some hair coming back in. She is such a sweet, mellow kitty not like any tortie I have ever had before.

Life goes on- money trickles in and I do what I can to make a small difference-

God Bless You All~


2 thoughts on “My “mini” vacation

  1. That’s quite a bit happening there. For once it’s happening to you and not to cats – though it’s nothing good that’s happening – except for Mike’s new leg. I hope he gets used to it quickly and regains some mobility. Good luck to all there.

  2. good get off your feet as much as you can, get some much needed rest. YAY for Mike still praying on that. I wonder if Gray boy had a doggie issue, or maybe he needs some lap therapy! and you need leg purr therapy. win win there.

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