I Never Want…..

I never want to travel to the place that seeing an animal hurt becomes so commonplace, it no longer effects me.

I neve want to travel to a place where a caring heart is replaced by one of stone…

I never want to travel to a place where seeing an animal suffering, I will not stop my busy schedule to lend a hand…

I never want to travel to the place where taking an animal’s life no matter what animal no longer matters to me…

I want to stay at the place that when seeing an animal in the road, causes me to swerve off the road and the cat escapes injury.

Not ten minutes ago, WK (Wild Kitty) was hit on the road. I heard the impact and went running out. I must have looked like a crazy person as I dashed out in front of traffic waving my arms wildly and screaming at the people who could hit her again. I stopped traffic, and picked her up and carried her over the side of the road where she died in my arms.

No one stopped to lend aid, no one thought one minute about this mackeral tabby. Probably thoughts were focused on the crazy lady who almost got hit trying to rescue a cat beyond rescue.

It was over in minutes, this wonderful true feral cat who had lived on my porch now for over two years and who I could never touch. In the throes of death, I hugged her to my chest and told her I was sorry as she left to join the angels waiting for her.

I saw a bumper sticker the other day it said, “Man was made to be stewards of the earth, not inconsiderate assholes who want to be God.”

For me, that says it all- We used to live among the animals, now for the most part, many disregard animals as having no worth.

3 thoughts on “I Never Want…..

  1. Poor Wild Kitty. I never could understand how the other drivers make little attempt to avoid an injured animal or to slow down to let a human access the precious animal to render help.

  2. I stumbled upon your website while looking for information on ferals. I am still crying as I write this. We should all be so lucky to have someone cradle us as we draw our last breath. I will remember WK in my prayers with my dear companions, human and feline, who have passed on.

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