Armstrong’s Challenge

One of the black kitties who had the bad diarrhea is now losing most of her fur on the back of her legs and her belly. I took her in this morning- I didn’t want to, but she reminded me when Mike was in chemo and his beard was falling out! I’d never seen such a thing on a kitten before, so off we went.

Turns out that some of the bacteria in her urine and stool settled on her back legs and spread out. I have been given some special medicated shampoo to give her a bath twice a day and I am to be sure she is completely dry (so I have to use the blow dryer on her) She is also on Cepha Drops for a week. It is a fairly nasty bacterial infection right now so hopefully in a few day’s time it will reverse and stop spreading. I had to laugh when my vet commented on how much my cats and kittens continue to challenge him. Does he have any idea how they challenge me as well and add to my frustration of not wanting to raise up the vet debt any higher?

I didn’t think it was ringworm- didn’t act or look like ringworm but in the kitten world- you can never tell.


Here is Armstrong’s brother Raleigh:



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