Update Time

Hey Guys,


Apologies for not giving daily updates. Life is a bit hectic right now coupled with the fact that both Mike and I are quite ill. He has it worse than me, and I have been busy seeing to his needs as well as trying to get a handle on the aftermath of the feline herpesvirus. We have two kittens now in danger of possibly losing their eye. I am following the instructions for the antibiotic drops but the eyes look so angry. You would think they would have calmed down some. I think the problem is (and I am not a vet darn it!) 🙂 But the inner eyelid has swollen so closed that the antibiotic drops cannot make it down into the eye where they need to be. Pocket and Dickens are my biggest concern. Dickens has developed this spastic, raspy cough. They told me to put her on Robitttusen Jr but all that does or seems to is make her drool. She gets very little during the day and only twice a day but now she runs when she sees me coming because she knows it tastes awful and she doesn’t want any.

Pocket sleeps pretty much all day long hugging the heater. No fevers (thank YOU Lord) but very lethargic. She eats every three hours, baby food on a spoon. It is the only way I can get anything into her and by golly, she is as cute as can be even when she is cranky. The others are eating while discharging from nose and eyes (clear discharge yay!) We are currently going through 2 cases of canned food daily! And they are still growing. Many, many, oh so many thanks to those of you who sent us canned food recently! It was a true Christmas miracle when those packages started to arrive! Love and hugs to all!

I have heard from a shelter who is seeing if they can prepare to take all the babies at one time! This will be the third shelter who is trying to help, but it is a lot to ask of a facility despite how well-funded they are- to take 16 very sick kittens and nurse them back to health. In the meantime, I have been in touch with a few old friends from The Catwriters’ Association. Many of them dynamite feline vets. I have been told to nix the vaporizers and go to the cool air style vaporizers. They are spendy and off the budget right now. I was told to bring the sick kitties into the shower room each time I shower and just let them hang out. To wash my hands with Phisohex multiple times a day. To keep the water bowls- food bowls and bedding impeccably washed and cleaned and to be sure the litterpans are not contaminated. Funny thing- the vet told me feline herpesvirus carries through the air. It does but rarely- it is all these other aspects that circulate the virus.

Well, Mike is rousing so I need to go. I did manage to get a few extra hours of sleep this morning, but it was torture listening to Dickens and Pocket try to breathe. I will say that turning off the vaporizers last night, did make a bit of difference. Dickens is barely coughing this morning.

So just to recap-

Mike is sick, I am sick

We have 16 kitties in various stages of the feline herpevirus and the vaccines waiting patiently in the fridge although I was told, this isn’t always foolproof either!

We have two kitties Badger and Wink who might very likely have to have their eye removed

And a shelter working like the dickens to take all these sick kittens in one day.

See any need for prayer here? *G*

God Bless all of you and have a Blessed, and Merry Christmas!

3 thoughts on “Update Time

  1. If the eyes themselves are blocking the medicine from getting in, can the kittens be given anti-biotic orally, enough just to lessen the inflammation and open the inner eyelid?

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