
Every time I go into this cat’s enclosure she turns fierce and attacks me. She is rubbing and headbumping me and then she turns on a dime and becomes this fierce feral kitty who I do not recognize. Tonight- she actually blocked me from leaving and turned on me scaring the crud right out of me. She had reached up to hit the doorknob and I thought she was stretching but when I reached for it- she nailed me pretty good and then took a giant leap up to my face. Not a fun time and hard to accept that such a beautiful cat would be so traumatized to do this-

She has been left completely alone except to see to her needs: food water and litter pan cleaning. Not sure what is actually going to happen next at this point.

14 thoughts on “Twirl

  1. I think that sometimes these animals have their own personal demons. Nothing will ever change them. I had an aggressive dog that bit me several times.. The kindest thing I did was hold him as he went to the Bridge. I believe this in cats as well..I worry about you with this cat.. She can do some real damage!. Please take care and if the kindest thing you can do is release her from her demons, know that you have many that will support your decision.

  2. I have made the decision to let her go. The only thing holding me back on Monday is that this will once again increase the vet bill. I know that they will probably gift me the ashes being scattered in someone’s field but the actual euthanasia bill will be based on her weight and she is a big kitty. But that won’t sway me- I have worked with cats long enough to understand that there are types of cat aggression that you just don’t step into. Hers appears to be neurologically based and that is the worst kind- no warning- no preparation just attack.

  3. Casey, In order to give her Prozac I have to be comfortable handling her mouth. Sorry, but for this kitty, I am staying as far away from her mouth as possible-even if they compounded it< I would have to be able to rub her ears- you touch this cat- she explodes. 🙁 The ones in the bedroom, they are afraid as well but they are not aggressive- not like her- even Sydney the biter, he is not aggressive- he is just scared- big difference and easy to work with over time.

  4. the best thing is the right thing Who knows what demons have taken control of this cat. What torments have been inflicted and if it is in pain, what are its thoughts? I cant send anything right now but in a few weeks things maybe better and I can help so what I can to help you help the cat.

  5. Mary Anne, when I had my cats on Valium (diazapam) for misplaced aggression my pharmacist made it up as a chicken flavored liquid. All I had to do was squirt a measured amount on wet food and it was happily consumed. Results noticeable in just a few days, much less than a week. And it was inexpensive too.

  6. She is now contained in a large carrier with a litterpan and she is not a happy girl. We cannot justify keeping a cat that has to be on sedation in order to maintain a normal life. Her trigger is being petted or touched in any manner. Again, she is suffering from neurological damage as well as other issues- one of her eyes goes wonky every now and again.

    I don’t give up on cats easily, but some of them have deep demons and she seems to be one of those. I don’t like the fact that she has to stay inside of a carrier overnight- but the alternative is she roams around the enclosure and attacks us when we go inside. Not many cats give me the shakes- she does this in spades. 🙁

  7. In all the time I’ve been reading your blog, there has been only one other cat – perhaps two cats – whom you’ve had to let go because they couldn’t be tamed. There may be regret in letting Twirl go, but no shame.

  8. Well right now it is a moot point as she got out of the carrier tonight when I went to feed her. So she is again loose in the enclosure and in a few days time, I will try the trick again of luring her back into the carrier. Right now she is steering clear of me and the carrier-which is fine with me. I’ll just keep my distance for now and hope she doesn’t attack me as I turn around and leave her presence.

  9. It’s done. Her demons have been put to rest. There was a collective groan from the vet techs when they asked what her name was and I told them that the owner called her “Spaz’ but we changed her name to Twirl. She went fast and peacefully her mind no longer filled with chaos and pain.

    Sorry sweet girl, there are some things that us humans cannot fix and you were one of them. 🙁 I know my son has you in a loving embrace now, and for the first time in your life, you are able to enjoy the gentle touch of love.

  10. Be at peace Twirl, there will be no more demons, no more torments. For you now only peace and love. Godspeed as you go to your forever home at the rainbow bridge. Bless you Mary Anne for trying to help twirl live and giving the ultimate love by letting her go.

  11. I was thinking that you could hide the Prozac in food or a pill pocket. It’s tiny.

    Something to keep in mind in the future, perhaps.

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