Sydney’s big move

This morning, I moved Sydney from the cage on the back porch to the gazebo enclosure. This cat is just a kitten! He’s a big kitten, but he can’t be more than 8 months old if that. He was terrified when I let him out of the carrier and immediately went and scaled the walls to come to rest on the ledges that George provided for cats near the ceiling. He didn’t stalk me, scare me or try to bite me. Bottom line is, he is just a scared kitty and when whoever reached for him- he bit them to defend himself. He looks like there is a sweet boy lurking inside. Now, he has room to roam and an outdoor catio to enjoy when the weather gets nice. His bite quarantine ends tomorrow and as I expected, this cat is NOT rabid.

1 thought on “Sydney’s big move

  1. This reminds me of how I met my Renn. He bit his foster-guardian, but she was cutting his tail-feathers at the time and probably clipped too close. He hates having his rear trimmed and even I have to take it slow. But he’s not a biter. He is scared of new things and timid. Like all animals, the scared ones will defend themselves if they feel they must. Sydney just needs reassurance, which he will now have.

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