Thanksgiving Day

The day has dawned crisp and cold. The turkey, put in at 2:00 a.m. and baking slow in the oven has permeated the house. The kittens, enticed by this lovely smell are clustered around the oven (at a respectable distance) They are wondering about this new, wonderful smell and when will they be able to taste this delicacy? The older cats on stand-by on the cat condos in the dining room know the routine. They will feast, but not until later. Not until the bird comes out of the oven and has cooled to their expectations….but there is always hope..

The black plague litter 🙂 is dimished now. Several of the black beauties have found loving, caring homes. There are two left and they are our “keepers.” We are keepiing Sharky and Frasier, because they are biters. I am working with them slowly to get them over this tendency, but in the process, I have fallen hard for these black kitties who have already endured unimaginable suffering.

As I look back on the year, I pause to wonder what I am most thankful for and the answer is clear. I am most thankful for my faith in God which leads me through each day, helps me overcome any struggles I face and leaves me with a warm toasty feeling of being loved.

Because of Him, I am married to a wonderful. patient man who puts up with my cat obsession and he puts up with me! Not an easy task! I know that he faces more health struggles next year, and through my faith in God, I intend to stay grounded by his side even though part of me might feel like running out the front door screaming and racing down the highway as if my hair is on fire! He only gives us what He believes we can handle.

I am grateful for all the kittens that have passed through my home this year as I learn from each and every one of them, special lessons no one else can teach. I am grateful for so many of my readers who take time out in their day to email me and share amazing stories about the cats and kittens they rescue! I am grateful for Carla and although I have not heard from her since her divorce. I hope she is well. I hope she is surrounded by the cats she loves and I hope she finds a man who shares that love and can make her feel whole again.

I have to work today, so I need to sign off and get ready to go in. I just wanted to stop for a moment and thank all of you for your support, your kindness and yes even your criticisms about how I live my life. I may not publish all the comments that come through here, but I do read each and every one.

May you all find what you need to keep going in such hard times. May you find time to snuggle your face down into soft fur, pet a silky belly without being attacked and have a loving critter share your life and bless you with their unconditional love-

Thank you ALL!

2 thoughts on “Thanksgiving Day

  1. You are a heroine in my eyes and I greatly admire your ability to remain grounded no matter how hard it must be. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your husband and kitties from me and my husband and my kitties!

  2. I just wanted to tell you that you are a great teacher and thank you for so many ideas on raising cats and kittens of all different backgrounds and histories. I now have a wool kitten pouch that two of my foster babies are sleeping in (they had a really rough start where one sibling died). They love being close to me and it leaves my hands open to do other things so I can walk around and get things done while they sleep against my chest. It’s fantastic and I never would have thought of it if you hadn’t written about it. It’s nice to know there is someone out there who understands the good, the bad and the ugly and we are not alone. So again, thank you.

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