Giving Thanks

It is close to Thanksgiving Day soon and we are going pretty low-key this year. Roasted turkey breast (no whole bird) sorry kitties! My stuffing casserole and a green salad. No desert, Mike has lost 53 pounds in two months and I don’t want to wreck that miracle.

For the last few months, one of my blog followers who will at this time remain nameless- has been sending me a lot of vintage jewelry (circa 1960) she has collected over her lifetime. I do cats, no jewelry, but these pieces, they blow me away. First I am stunned that someone is granting me her collection so I can raise money for the cats. It is an extensive collection. I would say I have over 800 pieces right now.


I went to a holiday show today but I need to get these out of town. I had people coming up to me and asking me “I see you have $30.00 on this necklace, I’ll give you $3.00!”  I made a whopping $12.00 in 7 hours. I can’t blame the people in town- most of them can’t even pay their bills but I had these pieces low cost and it didn’t seem to matter. I need to be in a bigger show where the pockets are deeper. Everyone was oohing an ahhing about the exquisite pieces- but no one was buying. So I will keep trying.

I thank you nameless one for your generous heart and your giving spirit. I know the kitties would thank you as well!

2 thoughts on “Giving Thanks

  1. Wow, that is indeed a gift, that jewellery. Perhaps you could check on-line for prices and even collectors willing to buy. I can understand that if you sell locally, you’ll have people thinking you just want to raise a few dollars from the items. Elsewhere, you may run into serious collectors.

    Either way, it is a generous donation.

  2. Agreed – check eBay and such because you may do much better, money-wise. Or post online to see if there are collectors interested!

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