Requesting Prayers for Hanna

Hanna, the sweet 11 year old mackerel tabby who survived one bout of skin cancer, is back at the vet this morning. When I was petting her earlier, I felt another mass growing off her shoulder on the same side as the other mass that was taken off. I ran her in as a drop-off because today is a mike appointment day and I will be gone with him as they start to carve on his legs and find some answers. Please pray for Hanna. She did nothing to deserve this other than being owned by someone who is a complete ass. Because he kept her unprotected from the elements in that cage- I fear her cancer has come back with a vengenance. I hope I am wrong and this is just swollen lymph nodes- but I don’t think it is.

Getting ready to head out with Mike and the vet has called. The news is not good. The mass is deeper than the initial mass before it. They put a needle into it and it is a sacroid  tumor. They aren’t sure about removing it because it is close to the jugular vein which means that they can’t compromise the blood vessels and possibly get it all.  My gut instinct is telling me to let her go to the Bridge, but they want to do one thing first and take a film and see if her lungs are involved.

I am not a hard-hearted rescuer but sometimes, you just have to make some tough choices and this is one of those times. If they try to remove it- and can’t get it all, when it comes back it will do so with a vengenance and then Hanna’s goose is cooked. I have seen it before in cats and it is heartbreaking. I don’t want her to deal with that type of pain and stress. I just authorized that she is to go to the Bridge- dammit all anyway!

Godspeed Hanna~~~~~~~~~~~~


4 thoughts on “Requesting Prayers for Hanna

  1. The poor girl. My best wishes for her. None of these animals deserve such tribulations. I hope she is nevertheless healthy.

    And the best of luck to Mike, as well.

  2. Dammit is right and you are right, there is no reason to make the poor girl suffer through pain when the end result will be more pain followed by a trip to the bridge. Cancer Sucks. Be at peace. Run with the Angels little Hanna, you were loved enough to be set free. *sob*

  3. I just read the update, and you did the right thing. Hanna would have had frightening surgery, an uncomfortable, possibly painful, recovery – just to see it come back in a form from which there would be no relief. There is no easy answer in such a case, just a right one. Godspeed, Hanna.

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