“Houston, We Have A Problem”

I am waiting for the vet to open this morning. I need to go in and get some advice. One of my outside semi-feral cats is jumping into the huge dumpster parked in my backyard and eating insulation mixed with vermicelli! How do I know this? This morning, when I went to clean the outside sand boxes, I found a pile of poop with a substantial amount of this insulation sticking out. 🙁 Also investigating further- I found some emesis with the same.

The problem is that I have no clue who it might be. No one is off their feed at the moment, all cats showed up for morning chow and all ate vigorously. But we are talking a substantial amount in the waste and vomit. I have taken a tarp and climbed into the dumpster and covered the insulation piling boards on top of it. But cats are determined creatures and I am worried.

As mentioned before, this house was built in 1943. The insulation came from the ceiling when the tiles were torn down. The vermiculite, who the expert initially told me generally tests 90% for lead- well we got lucky. Mine is lead-free. I just need to talk to a vet and find out if they have any idea on what this old time insulation is made of. It’s not the pink stuff, it is actually green and yellow and white. Of course the vermiculite is also an issue, it looks like dirty popcorn kernels.

6 thoughts on ““Houston, We Have A Problem”

  1. Judy, there is a vast difference between raccoons and cat poop. It is cat poop but I haven’t seen any more of it since the other day. I have covered all the insulation I can with a tarp and wood pilings. Hopefully, all will be well. I haven’t heard back from the vets about my question either.

  2. You have me there, Mary Ann. I have seen enough cat poop to recognized it. Dog, cow, Guinea pig, sheep, goat, horse – the list goes on. But I cannot say that I have ever seen raccoon poop, at least to identify it.

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