Laurel and Aspen

Laurel is adapting to her new home easier than her sister Aspen. She is getting used to Kota in small degrees which is good considering how and her other home she was having to share a very small bedroom with a very aggressive, 170 pound Rottweiler. It is going to take time and patience to let these two girls know that my dog is not aggressive and will not hurt them. They are no longer taking flight when I take him through the room to put him outside, however, they get up on the highest points that they can find in the room, and do some pretty impressive hissing in his direction.

We have opened up the back half of the house for the two kittens. I don’t believe that a third kitty will be joining them. I haven’t seen Elusive since July 4th. He hasn’t been popping up on the railroad tracks in the morning, looking in my direction for food. I suspect that because of the impressive amount of fireworks that were shot off on July 4 near my home, that Elusive has decided to find a quieter place to spend his time. At least I haven’t seen him on the road, so I have hopes that he is still alive.

We are going to have to lay down linoleum tile in the mudroom sort of in a splashguard pattern behind the litter pans. Both kittens are very impressive sprayers, so we need to compensate for that and stop any type of damage that might happen to the back rooms. at least they are not tomcats, even after a neuter, a Tomcat urine is extremely corrosive for at least 6-8 week’s

There are also plans in the work to do a catio on the back deck. This will make the kitties life a little bit easier not to mention mine. Right now, their fear of coda keeps them away from the doors. All they do is need to see his face in the doorway and they scatter. Allowing me to get in and out of the rooms without worrying about them getting out of their area.

Aspen is still quite shy and I don’t have any decent pictures of her yet, but when I do, I will post them. They are now 8 pounds which is a lot better than the 4 pounds. They were when they got here. They are really doing exceptionally well. And I have to admit it is nice to have cats in the house again even if they are not given the run of the entire house.

1 thought on “Laurel and Aspen

  1. I have no doubt that the kittens will grow used to Kota relatively quickly. He is such a gentle and kind soul that the other animals will come to know it soon. And for them to have doubled in weight since their arrival is a sign of how good the life is that they are now living. They must be very grateful – even if they aren’t up to showing it right now.

    I have hopes Elusive will come back to where he knows the food is plentiful…

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