Uncharateristically so……

Here is the kitten that was being tossed. Mike said he wants to call him Catapault, or “Here Catch!” I just want to find him and the others a loving home.

I so dread kitten season especially around here. I couldn’t leave them in their current situation and would like to think that others feel the same way.

But taking them in has stretched me to the maximum, not only the strain on the resident cats (we seem to have a spraying competition occurring now) but financially as well.

Don’t even get me started on Obama’s promises to folks like Mike and I (and so many others) about living paycheck to paycheck. He is no answer to the ills of our economy.

I am going to eat some humble pie and ask my readers if they can help me out a bit. On my website
kitten-rescue.com there is donation button. If you could send me $1.00 that would buy me two cans of kitten food and few pennies to set aside for cat litter. I wouldn’t even ask but with Mike becoming increasingly sicker, and dropping his extra jobs that were supporting this home, well, times are a bit rough at the moment.

Right now, I sit with a clowder of 30 and only 3 of those 30 are outside. Everyone else is inside the house or the enclosure.

I appreciate you more than you know. Your supportive words and love are what gets me through a trying day. I am sorry to ask so openly and blantantly for help, especially because I know that my story of hard times is not unique.

If you can help, please do. Visit the kitten-rescue site and click the donation button. If you can’t then just please find time to pray that I am able to find loving, caring homes for these babies so they have a chance at a better life than the one they started out with.

Thank you ~1catapault

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