Official Visit

I just received from the police department, the cutest little mack tabby kitten. It was found in Sankey Park and someone reported a kitty in distress. Looks to me like not only are we dealing with a prolapsed rectum but it has been hanging out in the wind long enough to rupture. Kitten is super skinny and had a flea collar on that was pretty tight- collar has been cut off and I see where the neck has been chewed by the chemicals. I hate flea collars with a passion! The damage is so extensive that even though this baby is about 6 months old- I can’t tell if it is male or female. Already inhaled three small cans of kitten food (wet) and doesn’t appear to want to eat dry.

3 thoughts on “Official Visit

  1. I am in contact with our feline specialist right now. I think I will be taking this kitten to her home tonight- just waiting to hear back if she can see it. I dumped all the litter out of the pans and refilled them with the feline pine. Because of the roughness of litter and getting that into the wound- I have added some warm water to the feline pine to break it down into a soft mushy consistency that won’t be as abrasive as regular litter. I have cleaned the area with betadine wash and am keeping the rectum lubed up with petroleum jelly. If the rectum, if it dries out- it will die and no amount of surgery will save it.

    Another night of no sleep right now and plenty to worry about with this new one-Please send prayers- please?

    I took a photo of the wound and went to Google images to see if it was a prolapsed- the prolapsed rectums on those pages all look like balloons- this one on this little kitty looks like the balloon burst. 🙁

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