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It’s been a few days since Bent went to the vet. He was given a shot of Covenia as well as a week’s worth of appetite stimulants. Two days after the visit, Bentley showed great improvement. He was no longer just lying in a fetal position in his cat bed. Before, when I would try and pick him up, he was so tense and stiff that he felt like a cinder block and not a kitty.

We discussed the upcoming workers who will be repainting and re-shingling the house. The vet suggested I put all three of the cats on Xanex until the workers leave for the final time. I have agreed to that plan. Bentley is now back to his lovely self. He goes for his morning walk-abouts (just on our property before he will return back to the door of the enclosure, crying to get back inside. It’s nice to have him back.


Fall-out from a fallen tree

A few days ago, one of my hazelnut trees that was closest to the powerlines was cut down. The reason is it posed a great danger. It seems that it couldn’t handle the extreme climate it has been exposed to in the last five years. Extreme drought, followed by torrential rains and Highwinds. Then followed with ice and snow and more rain. The tree was over 30 feet tall and there were several large branches which were hanging virtually in mid air not attached to anything. So the company came in and because of all the current rain we’ve had, they couldn’t get their truck close enough to the tree to use the bucket  They did everything from the ground. Extremely dangerous and risky but they knew what they were doing thank God and now the tree is gone. The noise of their chipper was driving my main enclosure cats crazy. There was nothing I could do to alleviate their distress. There was no place to put them where they wouldn’t hear all the noise and be subjected to the activity all around them.

Bentley has been in great distress ever since. I’ve kept a close eye on him and this morning he is extremely agitated. He is so out of character. He is moaning, he’s not crying he’s actually moaning. I know I need to get him in and get him looked at. I managed to open his mouth and look and it appears there’s something underneath his tongue? I’m not sure because his stomatitis has flared up big-time. I’m waiting for the vet to open to see if I can even get him in. I know that stomatitis flares up during certain times of the year. Generally in the winter but it also reacts to stress. His mouth smells putrid. I really hope he’s OK and it’s just the stomatitis and not something else going on.