Successful Adoption!

I am so thrilled! McKinley was adopted today and went to a really nice home. He will be an only cat and will live inside with Linda, her husband and her 17 year old son. Linda called in response to my ad in the Tell & Sell and said she wanted an older male cat. When she got here, she fell in love with McKinley’s look and so after talking with her for awhile, I captured McKinley and followed Linda home. She lives about 20 minutes from here. I stayed at her home for awhile, just letting McKinley chill out and left the carrier over there so he would have some comfort smells to get him through all the newness. She will bring the carrier back in a few days and also said she had several extra carriers as well she wants me to have! She is a dog groomer. There is one dog, but he is in the backyard and it is well-fenced.

I am so happy that McKinley is going to be an only kitty. He is a real love.

Merger complete

As of this morning, Babycakes has joined the community fully. The wire door at the bottom of the stairs has been taken down (much to the joy of my husband). This house is over 40 years old, and whoever designed the staircase should have their head examined! Two people can’t travel up the stairs comfortably, much less can you move furniture up this narrow passageway that looks more like a mine shaft, than an open stairway. Our goal is to bust down the one wall, and bring the staircase around and out in the open.

This morning, I just opened the door a crack and stepped back out of the way. BC came tumbling down the stairs and pranced through the opening joining the others who were eating. There was no hissing, spitting, swatting or complaints when she merged with the crew. Although for some reason, later her and Rocky were circling each other contemplating in their cat-like way about this new smell in the house.

There have been no strikes, no walkouts, the crew now benefits from her company. I am a bit worried about her being out in the enclosure just based on the dirt factor. But, I will keep an eye on her two wounds and flush them if need be if they get dirty. I think she needs to exercise and get accustomed to being here. I do have found ads up, hoping if someone is looking for her, they will claim her. But for now, she is with my crew and all is well.

Twirl is also with the group- so the only isolated kitty still is Guinevere who seems to prefer being in the bedroom versus becoming part of the activity here in the house. Guinevere got sick last night. I am hoping it is just because of the new kitty smell and not something serious.

Building a drop trap

Decided the only way to capture trap savvy Dash is with a drop trap. Mike has promised to help me make one on the weekend. My intention is to feed Dash under the trap for several days, then once she loses her fear of it, I will set it and capture her. Last night she made me laugh. I went out to spring the trap so I wouldn’t catch a coon or skunk, and there Dash was lying on top of the trap just so pleased with herself.

I have ads running for adoptions of some of the cats. There are ten up for adoption right now, so I am hoping that something will come of it and homes will be found for at least a few. I am not sure that the there is a high demand for cats and kittens here- but you never know.

The trapping saga

All the barn cats were caught and sequestered in the patio. I am still trying to trap Dash but she is so lightweight she has figured out she can be in the trap, eat and leave without it triggering. I will have to think of some other plan.

Mercedes is sharing the bedroom with Guinevere right now and driving me nuts crying almost nonstop. She doesn’t belong outside, she can’t survive out there, and inside, being the pariah cat she is relentlessy hounded and chased by the others. Guin is leaving her alone for the most part, and I hope to be able to find a loving home for her where she can be an only cat. It isn’t going to be easy though, because she is black and white, and most folks around here want cats with more color.

Trapping Time

Noticed yesterday that Dash is getting really matted. I have set the traps out this morning. The only problem in trying to trap escape artist Dash, is that the other feral cats end up in the traps as well. While I was setting up the traps, Tipster came up to me and was headbumping me, so I grabbed him and was going to carry him to the patio. As I was going over the fence however, Lei barked, scaring Tip and I fell backward over the fence ,let go of Tip and off he went. Good thing there was no nosey neighbor with a video camera. Falling on a picket fence backwards kind of hurt, but what hurt worse for me was scaring poor Tipster.

So far, I have trapped Cleo, Squirrel and Mercedes. Left is Tip and then Dash. She has been up by the trap (it is on top of the well house) several times. She keeps trying to get to the food inside without going inside. I hope this works, her back legs are really matted.

Bizarre heat-wave is back

The cats don’t weather these hot days very well. We finally put a large piece of particle board down on the carpet in the living room. The cats are sleeping there in the heat of the day.

Prowler has experienced a set-back. She is peeing small amounts of bright red blood, visiting the litter pan multiple times a day and squatting in the corner without leaving any pee. I have started her on Clavamox and now when she sees me coming, she hides from me. I put her inside the hospitality cage. It is the only way I can medicate her easy. I knew she wasn’t feeling well a few days ago when she quit coming into the house and sharing my lap. I was watching her and hope I caught the UTI early enough.

Took the dogs to the river tonight and went swimming. Lei is afraid to get in the deep water, but Kody swims like a fish! I was really proud of her, and she wore herself out at the same time. It was fun, though she has a habit when I am standing in waist deep water of swimming out to me, rearing back and up and planting her front paws on my chest knocking me in the water. I will say though, the river was really cold and it felt so good on my swollen ankle.