Ashes Antics

I believe that Ash is coming out of her shell. She’s such a funny duck. If I pet her more than a minute or two, she will sit up on her rear and box me with her front claws like Mike Tyson going in the for the kill. She has done that since coming back from the vet, the final time. Only now, instead of her claws being out and trying to bite me, she keeps her claws sheathed. (Thankfully) so my hands do not look like shredded meat.

If I keep the front door open to bring more air into the house, she stands guard at the security screen. Should Bentley or Twist come up to say hello, she will back up and charge the door. Funny thing to witness how brave she is when there is a screen door between her and the outside world.

It still feels as if there are no cats in the house. They both spend a lot of time still underneath the coffee table. If they jump on the bed at night to sleep with me, it is short-lived and they jump down almost immediately. Just working with them slowly so they can understand nothing here will hurt them. Both of them, I have discovered have the beginnings of stomatitis (gum rot). We have never seen one-year old kittens with such bad gums. It’s quite sad and painful to both. We need to get the special veterinary dry food- but $37.00 for a six pound bag is not attainable at this time. The challenge is how do you brush the teeth of kittens who already have so many private demons they are chasing? Especially Ash who is still deathly afraid of hands. We will figure it out.

The latest arrival, Maverick who arrived yesterday, dumped in my driveway did not make it. Her gums were yellow indicating liver problems and she went to the Bridge last night. But Life goes on, one day at a time.

Stay safe everyone-

1 thought on “Ashes Antics

  1. Sometimes they come to you only to be let go. Godspeed, little Maverick.

    There is always an interesting moment when the anger that produces claws in a swat turns to annoyance that keeps the claws in. Ash is getting there, bit by bit.

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