Unplanned Departure

It never gets any easier, even when you know that it’s just right around the corner.  That day when you have to make a very difficult decision regarding the euthanasia of your cat. Baker started slipping quickly downhill two days ago. It started with continuous vocalization- lasting even through the night and morning hours. Repeated visits out to his enclosure, only made him more agitated in his tone. He stopped eating, drinking, peeing and yesterday he vomited blood.

I had been holding on for a miracle. The prescription food was working for awhile, but just like the medications, they couldn’t keep what was already in motion from happening. I suppose in the long-run, while I was praying for a miracle  God delivered an unexpected one this morning. When I called the vet and told the girl what was going on, I was given the only appointment left open for the holiday weekend- the emergency appointment at 9:00..

I held Mr. Baker in my arms, as he was sedated and drifted off to sleep. I laid his 19 year old body  gently down on the table.. The  process continued. When the plunger hit home, he stopped breathing.

19 years ago, someone tossed him out of a car from the highway. He was just a baby kitten. He scrambled up one of our trees and Mike climbed up the tree to fetch him. That’s how long ago this arrival has been. He’s been with us ever since.

Now, I am praying for a second miracle, there was only $3.63 in the kitty. I wrote a check for $250.00 and they are holding it until my check comes on the 17th. I have been taking my own budget and buying food and paying the vet from its meager content. It’s what I do, they always come first.

I suppose, I could have put off this decision until Baker really started to suffer- but what kind of rescuer would that make me? Not a good one, I am afraid.

So Baker is gone and he will be sorely missed. My neighbors would get the biggest kick out of him as he did his daily walk-abouts only on our land, and then when he was done, he would follow me back to the enclosure wait till I opened the door and he would go in. Just like a well-trained dog. I never taught him this. It was just his way of saying good morning- and now good night to his world.

Yes, he will be missed…..






















3 thoughts on “Unplanned Departure

  1. The miracle was that Baker came to you and Mike nineteen years ago. He had a blessed life with the most generous and loving people he could find. It was his time, and he let you know. You didn’t fail him. You never did. Godspeed, Baker.

  2. Rest in peace Baker He lived and died surrounded by your love for 19 years, that was a miracle.
    I tell your news to my dearest sister-friends here, and we have scraped together a bit of a donation from our pensions. We do always pray for you and yours. I’m sorry I can’t cover your cheque,but I’m sending bit.
    I’m facing some vet bills now, unfortunately, and possible heartache, as my Stella has lost 7 pounds in a short time. Blood test says it’s not kidneys, but we don’t know what it is. If you can spare a prayer for her, please.

  3. I sent you an email, as well as many prayers regarding Stella. I hope they find answers and a way to stop the weight loss. There is a canadian product called Feline Transfer Factor. You sprinkle it over their wet food and it helps them gain weight. I have used it in the pass with great results.

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