Farewell, Old Friend

This old terrycloth robe is being retired as of today. Deserving of the grandest of ceremonies, it will instead be lovingly packed into a paper bag and laid to rest alongside all the cats and kittens in our pasture pet cemetery.

For you see, this robe has held within its folds multiple cats and kittens either being bottle-fed, medicated, or simply in need of comfort and love. Countless preemies, newborns and adult cats have been tucked into its deep navy blue folds. It’s deep pockets created a cave of security and serenity for so many newborns. One custom-made pocket provided an extra level of reassurance for its occupants. Centered over my beating heart, it not only captured the rhythm of my heart for the tiny being tucked deep inside but also became a heated bed provided by my body warmth. If this bathrobe could talk, it would instead sing to the listener an endless parade of kitty lullabies it has heard, remembered and stored throughout the years.

This tattered piece of cloth has certainly seen its share of hairballs. The folds of cloth have held enough tears to fill an ocean. It’s threads, baptized more times than it cares to remember from kitties making kitty mistakes. It is now threadbare and worn-out used to the point where the material is ripped beyond repair.

Hard to let go of; countless memories wrapped in love, remembrances surrounded by material. Dedicated tear- collector, purr-keeper, occasional  butt-wiper, providing numerous kittens and cats the solace needed during the most difficult of times. A faithful servant whose time has now come to an end-

“Rest in Pieces Old Friend”


Mary Anne Miller


1 thought on “Farewell, Old Friend

  1. It’s sometimes as hard to let go of inanimate objects as it is living creatures. They have, as you wrote, served us well, and done far more than anyone thought they could. Even a robe can be a friend.

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