I Call Her Kismet

Tonight while I was on a distress call for a friend, a kitty wandered into the road, laid down in front of my car and meowed at me. I tried to ignore her, but finally made my way over to her (thinking she would take off like a shot) She didn’t. She piledrove her head into my armpit when I picked her up, headbumping me so hard I almost fell over!

She is a Siamese mix-totally beautiful, very young and pregnant.
The only people out at that time of night said they had never seen her before, so now, she is in the bedroom.

I am taking her to the vet in the morning to get her vaccinated and checked. I call her Kismet

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3 thoughts on “I Call Her Kismet

  1. Good to read someone’s doing same as me tonight!Well done you for helping our feline friends.Our stray of the neighbourhood returned here tonight after a break of 5 days.Dragging along her broken tail.Fed on 3 packets of cat food & bowl of whole milk lies snug in a blanket resting until I take her tomorrow to our vet’s.My other 3 or rather my OWN 3 are quite disgusted of course!However they’re in & out tonight as the weather’s mild so enjoying the warm autumn evening.Am planning on re-homing her to some folk we know in the country where she can play in the fields & not then worry about her living life as a stray in the town especially with an approaching winter.Keep up the good work.God Bless. x.

  2. I don’t know. I have signs up and ads in to reunite her with her family but she is so affectionate to everyone- that anyone could be her mom! LOL I am not letting her out of here until she is spayed- but yes, she will be highly adoptable. Not only her striking colors and her mix, but her incredible loving personality.

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