Plans Moving Forward

Currently, I am waiting rather impatiently for the vet clinic to open. Kota has now been vomiting intermittently for over a year. All the tests which they have run have not revealed any answers as to why. The plan now is to put him on a cocktail of medication which will include antibiotics, some coating agents for his stomach and a prebiotic.

The last instructions from the vet came right before Memorial Day holiday. I was told to try to hand feed him small amounts during the day until he gets his full amount. This elicited a change in his vomiting pattern. Instead of vomiting food, now he is vomiting bile. Concerning behavior prior to vomiting are these huge bubbles flowing out of his nose before he wretches the bile up? He literally looks like he is auditioning for the Lawrence Welk show. The bubbles are massive! Some as large as his head.

If this cocktail does not work for him, the vet wants to run an ultrasound. A  very expensive procedure, he needs the $600.00 upfront. I can’t in good conscience do that. I still owe the vet a great deal of money for past procedures on my rescues. Until that gets paid down to a reasonable amount,, I cannot justify coming up with $600 for another vet to step in. So I am really hoping that this mixture of drugs and other ingredients will put Kota back to his normal self. That would be amazing after all this time. But until I can pay down what it’s already owed I can’t even think about any other tests for him.

Next week, they will begin the final build on my house. This work is all stuff that should’ve been done in the initial build, but got derailed, due to let’s just say an unscrupulous contractor. The initial company that I dealt with is stepping up and we are going to finally demo my carport and fix my fence which is badly in need of repair. They are also going to have my large white pine that towers over my house evaluated and worked on. Since the last topping, it has been growing in the strangest directions. If you look at it, it looks like it has three tops instead of just one.  I did tell the arborist that we used to have a cranky pants male raccoon and living in the top of the tree. He is not a happy camper to be disturbed, but sadly I haven’t seen or heard from him since the fires over a year ago.

Speaking of the Holiday Fires, my two burn kitties are still throwing challenges my way. I came home yesterday and Ashley was in the kitchen and she had a mouse in her mouth! I have looked everywhere to see where this mouse is coming in from and I cannot find it. I do not see any mouse droppings anywhere along the lines of where they were coming in before or until we found the hole and sealed it up. It is possible because I moved the very last of the donated cat litter into the back patio recently, that the mouse was inside one of the litter bags and found its way into the house. I’m hoping that’s what happened. I need some help in order to move my refrigerator to see if for some reason they found a second hole back there to gain access into my home. At least she allowed me to capture the mouse without stressing herself to the point that she had a poop attack. So we are gaining with her.

It was quite odd when I was moving the litter into the patio to see holes in most of the bags? They certainly looked like mice damage, so I opened one bag out of curiosity and I found four mouse nests inside the cat litter bag? I’m not sure how a mouse could breathe inside of a bag of cat litter but the nests were fully intact. That may be where this mouse came from. I am grateful that Ashley caught it. She did not kill it, but she called attention to it and I was able to scoop it into a glass and put it outside. It was just a little gray field mouse. It’s also possible that this last weekend I finally was able to mow my back pastures. Could be that removal of all those tall grasses disturbed the mice and this may not be the only mouse I find in my house. Crossing my fingers that this was just a solitary traveler.

Now most of the two pastures have been cut. The rest of it will have to wait until it gets a little bit drier. It’s supposed to rain for the next three days so it’ll be a while before I can attack it again. The wildflower seeds they sent to sow on my field, are taking root. They should be blooming next year. On the bucket it said that the seeds were cultivated to attract butterflies, moths, ladybugs and hummingbirds. I  spotted a lot of fish in the creek and bullfrogs on the creek bed. The cycle of life is returning.

The gentleman in the back was probably not very pleased to look out his window and see tall grass for months. But I’m still glad I did it.

Well my vet’s office just opened so I’m going to get out of here and take Kota and get him weighed and pick up his medication. Wish us luck that this works. Otherwise right now, for options, I am completely out of them.

2 thoughts on “Plans Moving Forward

  1. I’d send money too.if I had any, but the even better thing is that I and my good friends here are praying for Kota – and for you.

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