Greetings All!

All of us here, both two-footed and four-footed, we hope everyone is now safely home. Not stuck inside some airport, waiting to return home while searching for your misplaced luggage. Or dealing with severe weather conditions.

We are currently doing well as far as the cats go here. We had a bit of a hiccup over the holidays when my pump in the well house decided to melt! I had no idea that was even possible but apparently it is. My neighbor was kind enough to allow me to draw water from her hose, so all kitties were able to get plenty of water. The pump apparently is so old. It is now obsolete. A new pump will be delivered on the 12th. Since I have two wells, two of the workers from the recent build, were kind enough to come over and do their magic. They connected my irrigation well to my house well and I have both hot and cold water now. We were without water for four days because of the holidays. Thankfully, that is no longer the case. They did this all for me free gratis for which I am over the moon thankful.

I am also extremely grateful for those of you who opened up your hearts and donated last year to what we do here. I can honestly say if it weren’t for you, I don’t think we would still be afloat. But we are still in the fight, and I am still trying my best to trap or bond with Slip my newest black cat arrival. (He doesn’t get that name for nothing! LOL) however, I am nothing if not persistent.

For those of you who donated, I will get your receipts to you as soon as I can. I am hoping next week I can actually have enough time to sit down and write out the emails and send the receipts. If you need it sooner than that please let me know, and I will do my best.

Right now we have been slammed with several of the storms which are hitting the West Coast. Thankfully, we do not get the front of the storm, but we do get the residual. I did learn last week on the news they announced that we are no longer considered a drought state. But we still do need to maintain steady but not over bearing rainfall until winters end. The weather has been so unpredictable. Who knows what’s going to happen. It’s all really in God’s hands.

I noticed this morning, when I was feeding. There is quite a bite to the wind. I’m hoping that doesn’t mean that we will be getting freezing temperatures. Speaking of freezing temperatures, I’ve reached out to several weather organizations in the Pacific Northwest about my bubble dance that I experienced a few weeks ago. I finally got an answer most of the weathermen were puzzled. None of them had ever heard of anything like that. So I went larger and contacted the Pacific Northwest National Weather ServiceThey told me that what I experienced is extremely rare. But it is fog bubbles from fog that due to atmospheric issues fails to form. They appeared to be quite excited that I had this experience. So at least now I know I don’t have fog on the brain, that I wasn’t hallucinating from lack of sleep. There actually is a rare phenomenon when fog is beginning to form and for whatever reasons in the atmosphere cannot do so.

I wish all of you a safe and sane start of the new year. I hope all of you are well, happy. Please  make sure that in your day you spread at least one or two acts of kindness around you. That could make a real difference in someone’s life. I know recently it has in mine




1 thought on “Greetings All!

  1. Fog bubbles! I like the very name of that. I wish I could experience it; I think you mentioned at the time that it was magical. I’ll bet it was. Good luck with catching Slip. It’s tough capturing those ferals who don’t show themselves often.

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