
3:00 a.m.
“Tap…tap…tap” on my cheek, no claws, they are sheathed because Gideon is very much a gentleman.

I brush away the distraction and turn back into my sleep mode…
“Tap…tap…tap.” He is persistent. But, what he wants lies in mystery. Prior offerings have been ignored on other winter mornings. He is not hungry, he doesn’t want the Drinkwell filled. He isn’t interested in play. He simply wishes to disturb my sleep.

If I ignore this sleek black prince, he becomes a bit more aggressive, tapping the wool blanket wrapped around me to cut down the chill in the room. His claws are unsheathed now and he taps the blanket with unusual vigor, snaring the end of it with his claw and lifting it so that some of the chill seeps in underneath.

Fully awake now, I turn on the light and glare at him. Intimidation does not work, he yawns and turns away. The game is no longer interesting. I flip the light back out and welcome sleep again. After a busy day at work, my body is tired, I must rest.

“Tap…Tap..Tap..SNAG!” Again the blanket is being lifted and swirls of cold air invade. Our heat register is old and doesn’t do the best job of keeping the house warm all night. I loosen his claws which are caught and open the blanket up inviting him into the warmth. Gideon looks at me as if to say “Are you nuts?” He yawns and turns his head. Hoping his interest is waning, I again wrap the blankets around me tighter this time and snuggle back to embrace sleep.

“Tap..tap…tap…SNAG!” By now it is 4:00 a.m. the game has lasted for his amusement. I surrender and get up, get dressed and go make coffee. Time for another day.

Would anyone like a furry, black alarm clock? I’m having a Winter Sale!

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