My Blog is Going on a Diet

Apparently, WP has a new upgraded version I need to use in order to blog. But, my blog is quite lengthy so in order to upgrade, I either have to shell out some monies to my host server for more data space- or slim down my blog. My monies are committed to my kitties so sometime in the next few days or weeks, I will be deleting portions of this blog.

It’s been a bit frustrating for myself and my new webmaster to figure out why this upgrade isn’t as easy as the instructions say it is- but finally figured it out and so posts (and comments) will be disappearing soon.

I still won’t be putting ads on here. The purpose of this blog is to help other cat lovers, not to scatter ads all over the pages to distract the surfers who stop by.

So if there is any part of this blog that you find really useful- you might just want to copy and paste it for your own personal use because it might not be here in a week’s time.

For now, I have Mamasan upstairs ready to blow any day- the two kittens Puzzle and Riddle going in for a neuter and hubby entering the hospital soon for some procedures-so the deletions will be slow going.

1 thought on “My Blog is Going on a Diet

  1. While I appreciate your unwillingness to tack on a bunch of ads, I believe that it would be fine for you to display a few ads for products you use and believe in — especially if it would help you keep up the blog and/or to help feed and care for your kitties… Those who have followed your blog are aware of your limited funds and your heroism in providing vet care for all the cats that have come your way. Your dedication to the cats — and to Mike — have inspired me to continue to emulate you in taking care of the cats that come my way, half a continent away from you. I doubt that anyone would accuse you of taking advantage of your situation and enriching yourself on the backs of your animals. You’re just trying to make ends meet.

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