“Hello Kitty…”

Meet Serena,

She arrived last night quite late. Her owners were renters and they were being evicted, so when they left, they left her behind. What in the world is wrong with people?

She is an older, dilute calico (strange how all these calicos are showing up suddenly) Last year the predominant color was black!

I call her Serena hoping the Serene will rub off on her as she really likes to growl. She is a matted mess but her trust meter is broken right now- undoubtedly wondering why her owners would dare to leave her behind. So, it will probably be the weekend before I can really get my hands on her and get her mat-free-

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4 thoughts on ““Hello Kitty…”

  1. How anyone can just leave like that amazes me. Poor girl, she looks like a very pretty cat, too. At least she’s in a good place now. 🙂

  2. Hey MaryAnne,

    I’m just catching up, so I just read the plea for the Ocala kittens. I’m only 2 hours from Ocala and we have bottle feeders available. I know I’m late to the party, but do you know if anyone stepped up yet? If not, let me know and I’ll see if we can arrange to meet and pick them up.


  3. Poor girl. How could anyone be so heartless. The good thing is, she is probably better off with out them .. as anyone who could abandon a cat, isn’t fit to look after them anyway. Purrrs.

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